Sunday, May 20, 2012


The Absolute of Fewer Tomorrows

How disconcertingly peculiar
it is to confront that visage,
like someone's cruel caricature,
my likeness in a mirror,
only there is nothing to like
and surely its distortion
is very much unlike how
I appear to those viewing me.

But there it is, looking back
at me, never failing to take
me by surprise, alarming me
by the passage of time that
has so inevitably altered my
senses, but surely not my
singular appearance to so great
a degree of visual discomfiture?

Ah, there, problem solved
as correctional lenses filter
my gaze to record accuracy, and
there it is: verisimilitude.  

Yet I am no more comforted
than a child sobbing terror
of the fearful unknown awaking
from a nightmare.  Might it
be the child in me, having somehow
foreseen the abyss of age
surrendering to death...?

Having secreted it in some 
dark, hidden passage from whence
it has been suddenly resurrected
in the looming glowering
absence of tomorrow...?

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