Thursday, May 17, 2012

Camera, Action!

Because, famously, chance
favours the prepared, I agreed
with myself that this was as
good a day as any; breezy, mild,
sky cloud-bedecked with an
occasional glare of a disgruntled
sun, to take along my little digital 
eye.  Almost resigned to the
misfortune of missing that elusive
blue-eyed grass, I hoped for other
exciting flora or fauna to oblige.

But those great birds of the
woodland forest seem to delight
in foiling me.  I know this to be so,
as one haunts me with a taunting
"Hoo" do I think I am, and the 
other, flighting brilliantly beyond
my camera maniacally chortles
in high-pitched delight at his
clever feints and passages.

High above, fleetingly entering
my vision the Pileated settles
all too briefly on what's left of a
moribund, well-cratered poplar trunk
his red-crested head aglow, then
exits as I focus a split nano-second
too late.  As I worked in my garden
the Great Grey's call reverberated
from the woods giving me hope.

Today might be the day, who 
knows, that I might capture its
image to wonder at and treasure.
Even a peek below the leafage of
a ginger plant to espie and picture
its retiring little flower, would do.
Instead, camera at the ready,
there was Mr. Grey's tease, a
long plume of a brown-striped
feather, mocking my feeble intent.

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