Thursday, May 31, 2012

 Moving Forward

Setting out in humid heat,
the sky relentlessly blue, we
dip into the ravine to 
follow the trail taking us deep
under the shading canopy on our 
quotidian mission to fully enjoy
our natural surroundings,
breathing air cleansed to a
purity shared by the birds and
small beasts whose home it is.

We are gratefully shielded
from the sizzling sun whose
broad strips of light illuminate
the clear green of the leafage,
through which it filters, as ethereal
and lovely a sight as was ever seen,
as we pass beech and birch, oak and
bass, maple and Hawthorne,
the forest hardwoods.

Overhead, the low rumble of a
plane on its trajectory, then
another, resembling thunder but
hardly credible, the visible landscape
of the sky pure and clear.  Yet, amid
long pauses there, clearly enough is
the long baritone boom of thunder.
No imminent threat, we nonchalantly
assume it bypassing and indulge in
the usual prolonged ramble.

The blue and the clear amid
dancing fingers of sunlight our
assurance the steadily increasing,
drawn-out booms represent one of
nature's bluffs.  Ah, but then overhead
distantly oncoming ragged clouds
wiping the sky clear of blue,
replaced by washrag grey. Then the
sound and the fury manifestly above,
we find purpose in moving forward
with a purposed alacrity to quite
match the storm's arrival.

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