Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The Gardening Bug

What's the big hurry, you
ask, why the panic, since
there's always tomorrow,
lots of them, no need to
busy yourself at breakneck
speed to get it all done
in one fell swoop.  Ah, yes,
true enough, but only
someone not infused with a
gardener's passion would
utter these comments.  For,
you see, reasonableness has
nothing whatever to do with
the irresistibility of gardening.

No panic, you see, none 
at all. But the exhilaration of
finally nature and climate 
willing to indulge, oh yes, 
indulge in the joy of flirting 
with the process whereby 
nature herself, and only herself, 
creates spontaneously,
effortlessly, wonderfully.
Gardeners are mere pretenders,
dilettantes,  hopeful aspirants,
but what fun, what challenges,
what exquisite rewards!

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