Monday, February 20, 2012

The House of Israel

Jerusalem Day celebrating at the KotelSite Administrator

Jerusalem restored to Judaism,
a fervent dream of the diaspora,
never forgotten, never abandoned,
keeping hope alive in the most
merciless of human destiny's
assaults against a people, become
reality. May peace descend and
reign undisturbed, Jewish soldiers
prayed before the Temple Mount.

An extraordinary challenge met
with courage and distinction, the
scorned Jews whom history and
modernity alike cast asunder, made
abject and desperate for the merest
survival, found themselves and rose,
blazing, to the occasion. The
ancient City of Old Jerusalem
finally returned through war,
and extending the hand of peace.

The Old City yielding those
biblical signposts, Augusta Victoria,
Kidron Valley, Lions' Gate, Garden
of Gethsemane, Mount Scopus,
Mount of Olives, Mount Zion,
the Temple Mount. Challenge
now who will the guardianship
of those hallowed sites open to all
who believe and those who seek. The
Western Wall wails no longer.

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