Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Fallen Star

Briefly they flare, with a
dazzling display of incandescent
brilliance - shooting stars in
the rarefied celestial firmament
of popular entertainment,
hovering like distant galaxies
beyond the grasp of mere
mortal talent, theirs alone
capable of eclipsing the feeble
voices that worship their
soaring, jubilant style.

Searing, not soaring the end
results of their storied success as
adulation and sumptuous wealth
and possessions fail to gratify, and
those blazing stars with the appetites
like those of suffocating black holes
consume everything yet are never
satiated until the ecstasy of nihilism
chances by with the narcotizing pills
and powders, deadly crystals take
full possession of all they treasured.

Whitney-Houston-7-15-10-002.jpg Next
The star fades and flickers,
vestiges of former brilliance
capable on rare occasions of
once more sparkling bright on
the star-strewn firmament. These
temporary stops on the way their
final and absolute destination
momentarily offer hope of return
yet the star-crossed story only
concludes when the fiery tale of
the shooting star snares itself
and the star expires, in a
swiftly merciless self-immolation.

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