Her Majestic Disposition

Like privileged guests, we
wander in silence through
this winter palace with its
silver ceiling of breathtaking
height, its magnificent orb
of a chandelier, infusing the
crystalline presence with an
effervescent warming,
life-affirming lightscape.
A vast stillness reigns as our
regal hostess ushers us within
her gloriously fabled palace of
white light, where crystal jewels
hanging from flora she decorates
so charmingly glitter and tinkle
a gentle melody as of the
fabled music of the spheres.
We walk upon softly carpeted
hallways, in a white depth of
favoured distinction. Birds
there are in this place where
water freezes to become a silvery
transparency reflecting the
airborne feathers of birds
red and blue, gold and grey.
There is no thing, nor element
permitted entry to disturb the
enchanted wonder of peace
descended as like a misted veil
of nature's contentment with
herself. Her creative, magical
delight with her treasures
captivating the creatures reliant
upon her majestic disposition.
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