The truth is - and should not
poetic expression speak truth?
- life with my beloved has been
both a rapture and a torment.
Our life together has been a paean
to fulfilled longing and ardent
need. His unswerving love, a
response to my desire for
complementary symbiosis.
The pleasures - and shared
concerns, the laughter and the
musing doubts, have been legion,
the bond sweet as nectar, strong
as steel, silken-smooth. I look to
him alone for comfort and
assurance, his loving smile the
radiant warmth of a sun around
which we revolve; binary stars.
He is himself; a life-force of
curiosity and enquiry, an adept
at all that takes his interest. We
take from one the other, and give
what each is capable of. The anguish
of gender amply revealed when fear
and apprehension flood my senses,
witnessing his fearless exploits
challenging timeless realities.
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