Sunday, November 19, 2023

Thou Shalt

Like an ungrateful child whose resentful

petulance transits to contempt and finally

harm to its parent, the Christian Church

whose genesis arose from Judaism in

emulation and adoration of one of its sons

has chosen over the millennia to lay waste

to the Fifth Commandment. Scorning the

source of its emergence to flood the world

with reverence for a Jewish man, the Church

taught its followers to revile the very tribe

from which he emerged to lay the foundation

of Christianity. To the Jews he was a sage

no more no less. To Christians he was the

Christ, the very embodiment of the Almighty.

Leading the Church in antiquity to the present

to shield their influence in condemning Jews

never condemning the pogroms over the ages

leading to bloody attrition, divesting themselves

of responsibility, piously concerned but never

condemning vile lethality they would never

condone toward any other group of humanity.


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