Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Sacred Piety of the Death Cult

To the casual glance nothing is apparent

that might distinguish them from anyone

else who might be in a room, on a street

in the news other than, for a seasoned

observer a tenseness in the tight creases

on their faces while closer inspection reveals

eyes that appear devoid of spirit; a deadly

demeanor hinted by the rictus smile

permitted to pass swiftly over a stern face.

All the orifices and observational senses

endowed by nature seem present in those

garbed as anyone else until they speak and

their focus reveals them as relentless killers

whose message resonates for their followers

who take up their challenge of martyrdom

in the greater interests of achieving fame and

glory in the afterworld. The sacrifice viewed as

heroic, a death for many deaths, instilling in the

faithful the certainty that homage to scriptures

bestowed by an Almighty unseen, ubiquitous

and powerful requires their unalloyed loyalty

in the commission the Angel of Death has set

before them. Remorseless, they rise to the task.


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