Sunday, November 5, 2023

Return to Sender

Never underestimate the raw energy required

to mount an outraged frenzy of hatred

spewing accusations and condemnation

on a nation forced to a defensive war in the

certain knowledge that to do otherwise than

respond to ferocious atrocities striking their

citizens dead its attackers hungering after a

total conflagration to destroy their target will

view inaction as an invitation to complete its

mission with no fear of retribution. A startling

episode of grim bloodletting, the assailants

jubilant in imposing excruciating torture on

the helpless, mutilating and murdering at will.

The world lifts an eyelid for a brief scrutiny

then lapses back into near-comatose note. For

others the three-letter word resonates to spark

the ember lying neglected in the deep recesses of

the mind, awakening the fire of hate to exult

in the fate delivered yet again to the despised 

who dare to exact their vengeance on terror, to

return the compliment of death to those who

delivered it -- in the message 'return to sender'.

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