Thursday, November 2, 2023

The World's Refugee Victims

They fled in anticipation, and though they waited

out the victory a combined Arab assault would

extirpate the Jewish presence that never resulted

no Arab country wanted them so the United Nations

established them as permanent refugees until

such time that the state of Israel was dissolved

and they could return whence they came to the

land they claim is theirs. Generation following

on generation they are refugees, inhabiting

teeming 'refugee camps' even in areas now

geographically de facto 'Palestinian', bitter

and yet solicitous of their victimhood status.

Jordan's king bombed their towns and villages

responding to their lese majeste lawlessness. In Syria

their refugee camps were bombed by the regime.

Lebanese Christian Phalangists assaulted their camps

in an orgy of slaughter. The world took little notice 

until Israel was accused of responsibility. Now

the Palestinian diaspora has migrated to the world

of the West, as the Middle East's disposables

and there in a free and democratic society they

vent their vicious spleen while celebrating their

status as victims, not a  hint of rancour against

their Arab brethren who routed them and killed

them; aiming their venom against the Jews and

their Jewish state for daring to reclaim the land

ancestral to its historical indigenous peoples as a

refuge from the world's focus on Jews as guilty

of being Jews. A focus that has rediscovered its

purpose in championing the 'cause' of victimhood

finding the opportunity to once again declare their

viral antipathy toward 'The Jews' quite irresistible.

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