Thursday, November 30, 2023

Mind Your Mind

With just minutes to go before a six-day ceasefire was set to expire, Israel and Hamas have reached a deal to continue the pause in an effort to free the remaining hostages

Take care in this brave new world of ours

not to be too offended when suicide bombers

target your favourite night-spot, pizza joint

sports bar, bus terminal, house of worship. If

anything dreadful happens, it's your fault for

being in the wrong place at the right time. Take

responsibility, as a mature adult in a changed

world. If it upsets your moral compass that 

in response to an orchestrated orgy of violence

that saw girls and women gang-raped, children

and their parents forced to watch as each is

mutilated before death, vehicles stopped on

highways when drivers and passengers are 

summarily shot to death, the elderly and the ill

along with infants and teens taken hostage

people gather in  great raucous crowds to chant

congratulations to the courageous terrorists who

carried out this daring enterprise of great courage. 

If you feel disturbed that places of worship are

fire-bombed, and it makes you feel queasy that

honour killings are perpetrated on women who

don't know their place, keep it to yourself, do.

Cleanse your mind of these unfashionable urges

to condemn rapists and mass murderers else

you will be recognized and judged Islamophobic.

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