Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Theatre of the Mind


Here's an intriguing supposition: the existence

of a parallel world. You don't think so? And why

not? Not plausible. Well listen here, there may

quite well be an alternative world that we inhabit.

That we visit nightly. A parallel life, you see.

Where everything seems perfectly normal and

life goes on in any undirected position, it all just

happens. It does to me. We call them dreams of

course, but what if they're not, what if they're

trips we take in our minds. Our minds after all

are where we live. The landscapes there are always 

slightly different, sometimes we see others who

no longer live in our daytime world and sometimes

we're in places we don't recognize. Listen, you're

there too, with me. Exactly as we are in our other

life. There, and fully engaged in that night existence.

A folly of the mind? I doubt it. When I awaken

I can replay in my mind the thoughts and reactions

that I felt in that other place. You think my mind

simply conjured up these things, a kind of

theatre of the mind... How do you know that?

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