Friday, March 10, 2023

Smile Your Way Past the Gloom

Hey, it's been three years since the world

did a hysterical backflip over a sinister deadly

pathogen unstoppable in its rampage through

the global community. How pandemic time flies.

It's still  here, cunning and mutating but

we're survivors. So rest easy and sleep well

everything's good, no worries. Mind, we

lost quite a few people, close to seven million.

But last I heard the global population is still

steadily rising and we're speaking in billions

no mere millions. There are nasty little details

since the virus continues to sneak about here

and there, disguising itself, picking up new

traits to enable it to creep into respiratory

tracts that haven't been paying attention. In

the last month as example, 4.5M new cases the

world over and sadly, 32,000 deaths but take

note mostly among the elderly who've already

opportuned their options through a long and

possibly rewarding life. Ditch the masks and

party like there's no tomorrow while you can.

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