Saturday, March 11, 2023

Awaiting Spring


On a late winter day exuding promise

of spring the fiery sun riding the sky

at its rising angle radiates brilliant

ribbons of light through the naked spires

of the forest canopy to transform the

snow-packed plush of the forest floor

into a scintillating blaze of white. Above

the forested creek unable to contain its

generosity of warmth and light the sun

sheds itself in a perfect reflection on the

still, dark water. There is serenity and there

is promise in the air. There is wind on the

upper level gently moving slender branches

in a cadence of spring welcome. Soon the

atmosphere is softly rent by a haunting

melody that repeats itself then is stilled

when a response in perfect synchrony

echoes beyond the original until a rhythmic

conversation back and forth ensues as owls

convene a discussion on the merits of nest

building and preferred locations in this

winter-resting forest awaiting spring.



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