Saturday, August 27, 2022

Stunting Female Options

Hungary, a discriminating nation

now a member of the European Union

but back when history posited a

genocidal attempt at Jewish

extermination, Hungary was a proud

member of the Nazi Axis. Nazi

Germany knew where women's

place was: barefoot and pregnant in

the kitchen, a designation shared by

many world religions but now only

urged by Islamist nations. Hungary

balked at the EU's formula of apportioning

Muslim refugees seeking haven in

Europe fleeing poverty and oppression

fearing the presence of terrorists among them

and visualizing a foreign culture and

religion diminishing its white Eastern European

heritage. In diagnosing the issue of a reduced

national birthrate comes the realization

that educating women will result in fewer

marriages and a stalled population rate.

Now the nation's government realizes it has

much in common after all, with the values

of an Islamist nation in Afghanistan ruled by

the Taliban where girls' education stops

while their brains are still malleable.

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