Friday, August 19, 2022

Palestinian Holocausts

One should never underrate peoples' innate good natures 

and their kindly intentions. Take for example the recent 

visit of the Palestinian President to Germany reaching out 

to relieve the historic conscience of a civilized people 

whom hideous brutality visited in a horrendous nightmare 

not of their making. This man, Mahmoud Abbas should 

know after all for his meticulous studies led him to 

the truth that Zionists in an evil handshake with Nazis

engineered the Holocaust. Truly a less than fragrant deal 

with the devil; in this case of course the Zionists whose 

scheme to purloin Judea from its rightful Arab residents

 motivated them to sacrifice six million of their own. 

Not to worry, said he, Palestinians have intimate

\knowledge of holocausts, perpetrated on this innocent 

people fifty times over by Jews who claim Israel as 

their ancestral home when of course Judea is an 

Arab heritage. He speaks with the authority of a doctorate

honourably earned in Moscow at the esteemed Peoples' 

Friendship University of Russia. You know, that same 

Russia making friendly overtures to neighbour Ukraine.



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