Sunday, August 28, 2022

Assessing the Experiment

An illustration of a jaguar peeking through plants in a jungle

Here, then, said nature magnanimously

to her creatures, I give you the gift of life

do with it what you will, will yourself to

survive and to evolve and to prosper for you

may with the tools I have imbued you with.

Some learned to swim and some sank while

others slithered from the ooze of creation

with maturing senses and growing awareness.

Becoming aware that some were raptors and

predatory carnivores seeking out the harmless

herbivores; relentless hunters and scavengers

omnivores and grazers. Endowed with reason

the ultimate creatures went on to create and

invent, transforming their habitat to a mould

that suited them while the psychopaths among

them revelled in manipulating the trusting

and oppressing the weak because none would

challenge them as they assumed strength and

swept through the world triumphant with the

sweet nectared ecstasy of untrammeled power

as Mother Nature looked on, taking notes.

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