Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Walk In The Woods


It is entirely another world, that of the forest

strange to us and beautiful. While we once in

primeval times formed part of that forest

we no longer are, but it draws us with its

mysterious magnetism to enter and to

indulge in its calm fastidious cycles of the

seasons, of birth and death and renewal.

From the old springs new life; yet another

seasonal catalogue of nature's boundless

formulae. And new life was encountered

on a dark, rainstruck day where the forest

interior is in perpetual dusk when a man

striding a forest trail under its canopy

encountered a precociously tiny squirrel

too soon out of the nest, determined to

befriend him, scampering boldly forward

to clamber up a pantleg, seeking comfort

from the warmth of contact on a late

August day. And nor would the creature

be convinced its inappropriate behaviour

threatened its life expectancy -- for wild

creatures are not meant to deviate from the

ancient formula that keeps them that way.

Young as the minute creature was, clearly

it was a skilled forager as its healthy pelt

testified, yet its casual shedding of the

survival instinct in favour of unlikely human

companionship a lesson in natural anomalies.



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