Wednesday, August 24, 2022

So Much To Share

Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada referred to Ukrainian forces as “neo-Nazi” and “demonic,” and said his parishes would continue to commemorate Patriarch Kirill in services.

Both take pride in the common Slavic

identity of their ethnic roots, the prized

familiarity of culture and heritage as

neighbours who share a deep belief in

the faith of their forefathers a historical

interchangeability of custom and belonging.

Shared also is the memory of a savage

looting of food by one leaving the other to

starve in their millions, a gap in fraternalism

time will not heal. Still, until six months ago

both prayed at the same alter of Eastern

Orthodox faith. Now, the Russian Orthodox

hierarchy incites its faithful to mount attacks

on their Ukrainian brethren, to destroy and

to pillage, rape and murder. Now they share

a deep and abiding hatred, one the aggressor

the other victimized by the former's rage at

the 'unChristian' manner of its adversary's

incorrigible defiance of the aggressor's divine

imperial right to share out all that its victim

possesses to its greater advantage in a mad

rush to annihilate its victim's existence.

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