Sunday, August 14, 2022

Preaching to the Converted

Hellfire and brimstone

catapulted from the moist cavern

of her distorted mouth and I

moved back fearing my own

cauterized by the ferocity of her

disgust and hatred for the national leader

the ballot box had affirmed as

prime minister of this great country.

She had been transformed from a

neighbour to a raging chimera

half human, half dragon

flames spitting from her mouth

steam emitted from her ears

eyes like daggers as she

fastidiously enumerated the litany

of government failures threatening

to divide the nation, beggaring the populace

insulting defiant detractors 

as a man whose name bespoke a dynasty

swaggered through federal edicts

imposed on a reluctant nation

incapable of shaking off the shackles

of dominating arrogance. 

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