Monday, April 18, 2022

Tribal/Religious Iniquities


Unambiguous innuendo from the mouth of a 

skilled slanderer is far more useful as a defamatory 

device in the toolbox of a campaign to bring 

ignominy and a public outcry of anger leading 

to social isolation, than resorting to facts simply 

because the truth tends to be so boring since 

it never reveals supporting evidence of practices

and issues that wobble toward malicious violations

of human rights as the sanctimonious 'suggestions' 

subtle but searing claim as truth. Serving the

malign purpose of obloquy that so pricks the

universal conscience in their recognition of

right from wrong, justice demanding a stern 

penalty for abrading entitlements denied a people

wedded to their self-portrayal as victims of 

historical injustices. Innuendo eagerly grasped 

by a world that believes true victims of inhumanity

throughout the ages of man to be the aggressors

grasping at proof their visceral hatred is justified.

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