Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The Fury and the Anguish

Civil society has one cardinal stipulation.

Its members must adhere to the Golden Rule.

Nothing modern about this pacification of

emotions and predilections; it has an ancient

antecedent when wise men of yore recognized

the utility in repressing base instincts to enable

inter- and intra-tribal peace, monitored by

assigned cadres of peace-keepers. There is

that about conflict that draws on the beast in

the animal that is humanity. And war is known

to breed savage hearts and minds. Simmering

hatreds and defiance of humanity's care for one

another transforms men into mindless brutes

who turn from the battlefield toward softer

targets, the vulnerable women, children and

elderly who pose no threat and shrink from the

power of enraged males. An impoverishment

of thought and of shame leaves behind contless

coveys of traumatized women, fearful children 

and stacks of the innocent dead in the murderous

onslaught of power triumphing civilization.

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