Sunday, April 10, 2022


Police and rescue workers at the scene of a terror attack in Tel Aviv, Israel on April 07, 2022.

Is it then a primitive mind or alternately

a sophisticated sensibility that takes umbrage 

at the killing of humans in episodes of deadly 

tribal-sectarian-infused assaults as opposed to 

the destruction of cultural artefacts with great 

religious symbolism? The slaughter of people 

registers the need to send sincere condolences 

whereas the wanton destruction of shrines to 

saintly figures elicits roars of outrage reflecting

sacrilege of the most unforgivable quality. 

Which then is the greater desecration -- the 

impudence of laying waste to a symbol 

treasured as a reflection of man's obeisance 

to an immortal deity, or the heinous rage

of molten hatred impelling bloody slaughter?

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