Saturday, April 16, 2022

Time and the Heavenly Host

 Hebrew language

The ecstasy of a sacred exhalation

burst into flame sparked by a distant

sage contemplating the human condition

visualizing how an eternal concept of

divinity could tame the savage beasts

of humanity in the expectation that the

favour of a powerful supreme creator 

could be courted through adherence to 

sublime commands to love thy brother.

And so it came to pass that a monotheistic

faith in the kingdom of heaven arose

and from that faith came another and

then another to encompass the world of

humanity. Origins of this divine worship

mislaid and subject to oral interpretation

whereby it was misunderstood that only

those whose faith was that of the first

iteration and those of the second and the

third deserving of brotherly love within

steeply walled compounds of minds.

None others need apply for they are

outcasts to whom blame, shame and 

violent upheaval rewards faithfulness.

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