Thursday, February 10, 2022

The People Speak

The arrogant who attain power

viewing it as an opportunity to enact

laws suitable to their narrow vision

of societal refashioning to reflect

their approach to building a society

reflecting their mind's eye of power

underestimate the collective wisdom

of the electorate succumbing to false

promise electing and re-electing the

paragon of virtue become a tyrant now

realizing they have no love of him

nor of his gratuitous insults to their

intelligence through his lack of integrity

and penchant for bypassing law and order

unsuitable to his personal agenda. Finally

understanding the depth of their ruler's

corruption matched by his contempt for

them, they revolt, demanding the fall of

government and a replacement that has

full sympathy to their needs to heal a 

country left adrift in its quarrelsome parts 

shattering its wholeness. He must go! 

the mantra reverberates. The master of 

the state of its military and courts of 

justice sneers, turning his back.

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