Saturday, February 12, 2022

Puzzles Within Perplexing Conundrums

There is none so cynical and yet so

impressionably gullible than a voting

population prepared against all previous

experience to believe in the promises a

politician proffers as answers to the

questions that bedevil an electorate. A

previous executive office holder may have

governed wisely and well but he has become

stale and predictable leading the fickle

electors to search for a replacement to

carry on his good works and in the process

be charismatic and personable, a point of

pride on the world stage. And so the transition.

Following which arrives the dismantling

of all the predecessor government achieved

but carried out with glossy promises and 

smiles reflecting 'sunny ways'. Where the

stale governor of the nation had been a man

of great probity his replacement's casual

regard for ethics and truth take central stage.

Still a charming persona and protestations

of innocence of deceit carry the day. Until

one day the assaulted sensibilities of the

people descend to the dungeon of disappointed

rage and a revolt brews, insurrectionists

march in unstoppable convoys claiming their

rights and prepared to guillotine their choice

who has exiled himself to a safe haven as he

preens and postulates this too shall pass.

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