Wednesday, February 2, 2022

It Is What It Is

Whoopi Goldberg of "The View"

Singular individuals with the spotlight

of celebrity using their voice to decry the 

human rights abuses targeting their people 

have an especial obligation of sensitivity 

to the suffering of others whose groups were 

exposed to a relentless campaign of hatred 

in the understanding that colour alone does

not engender the passion of enmity to

motivate human extermination to satisfy

the bloodlust of totalitarians. The elements 

of a scheme to eradicate a group's humanity 

to enable acceptance by a wider public of a 

human pestilence among them awaiting 

obliteration can be visited upon those perceived 

as threats to domination calling upon a deeply

subconscious hatred of such visceral enmity 

bred of inexplicable rage that nothing but 

mass murder will suffice to placate the monster 

within. Have a care then in the utterance of 

assured statements that designate the Holocaust 

as a mere disagreement between the powerful 

and their prey exemplifying the evil humanity 

carries in its collective soul yet not quite

demonstrative of unspeakable racial genocide.

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