Thursday, February 17, 2022


 Justin Trudeau dubbed 'incompetent and extreme' as Canadians fume at 'unjustified' power move

Did we not always know

that power corrupts 

and absolute power corrupts

absolutely? The more

accepting a docile public

is of the quirks of its leaders

verging on the cusp of

autocratic entitlement

the closer that public is moved

to the edge of obeisance to

the dictates of a public figure

measured by his manipulation

of a citizenry vulnerable to

acceptance of being led

by dictate. A leader awaiting

the arrival of emergencies

to better enable him to 'take charge'

to reach beyond the powers

resting in his office in favour

of grasping at emergency powers

enabling him to react by the virtue

of over-reacting in a dominant

display of contempt for those

who placed him by the ballot

in a space, a place and a time.



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