Friday, February 11, 2022

Advice to the Perplexed


If you've developed a cautionary yet

sensible awareness or were born with

a sixth sense of the presence of predators

good for you, and if not it's never too late

to start. Start with the Internet, a marvel

of modern technology in communication

availing people of the opportunity to meet 

and greet at vast distances both of geography

and personality and nuances between. 

There on platforms geared to bring disparate 

peoples together will many friendships at 

a distance be forged to add quality to lives 

for we are gregarious creatures nurtured 

by the presence of others like ourselves. 

It is the furtive, disguised sociopaths and 

psychopaths one must be attuned to tuning 

out for they lurk here and there in an endless 

occasionally rewarding search for their next 

victim. If you are at all charitably inclined

 that instinct will be drawn upon by those 

skilled in extracting monies from the unaware. 

If you live in a country with generous social 

welfare programs where immigration is 

loose and fast be prepared for calls upon 

your shared humanity. If you are suddenly 

befriended by a stranger whose inclination 

is to no longer be a stranger be on guard if 

he follows promiscuously yet has few followers. 

If he follows strictly women only know that 

you are a target, decline and avoid an SOS.

A courtesy message from a well-wisher.

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