Monday, February 7, 2022



Though they shouldn't because they 

describe the natural order of events

some matters still take you by surprise

but then this is something you would never 

be prepared for. You washed her collar

and her halter, the renewed license tag

hanging forlornly. She did not even

have the opportunity to live into that

renewed year's license and the date

looks out at you every time you pass it.

You see her everywhere glancing out of

the corner of your eyes, her shadowy

form slipping from room to room

in the house, gone before you can call

her to you. There are her toys, her winter

coat and tiny boots. You cannot bear 

to part with them. You do have control 

over certain things, those she breathed 

life into that remain in your possession. 

As for her, life frayed then expired

much too soon, even though she had

lived long past the years allotted by

cavalier nature. You loved her, nurtured

her, depended on her presence: gone.

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