Monday, February 8, 2021

The Amorality of Humanity


The bleak horror of institutionalized

carefully planned and executed genocide

laid a black mantle of blame and shame

upon a world that did nothing to prevent

the death of millions slated for annihilation

because they were Jews, galvanizing the

world body League of Nations toward a more

robust and responsible representation of a

world order dedicated to peace and equality.

In the annals of the best laid plans of mice

and men nowhere is there an example more

illustrative of the folly of humankind than

the United Nations which irrationally singles

out the Jewish state for condemnation of a

human rights record that stands as an example

of righteous empathy toward the universal

search for security and equality for all and

nor do the various arms dedicated to human

rights and to judgemental sanctions of evil

 fall far from the tree of injustice pointing

at Israel as the fount of the world's travails

as it struggles to fulfill its role of haven for

its remaining diaspora while those who go on

conspiring against its very existence employ

slander and threats to incite violence against

Jewish lives justifying their hatred portraying

themselves victims empathetically embraced.

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