Saturday, February 13, 2021

Take Note ... Red Alert!


Beware, take care, the hornets' nest of

vigilantes awaits your naive opinion stated

openly on social media platforms and they

are prepared to launch their poisoned darts

of insults and accusations from the sacred

position of victimhood to 'correct' your 

mindless insolence that pierces their noble

beliefs in exceptional goodness as they

fervently declare you and your ilk the very 

personification of the evil that slandered

their forbears with the reputation of having

aided and abetted in the annihilation of yours.

The historical accounts you rely upon from

the written record of both the perpetrators

and the victims are biased, inaccurate sources

whereas their accounts in self-defence are

wholly representative of the truth while 

you are part of a villainous multitude intent

on besmirching the honour of a great people

maltreated, misunderstood, determined to

defend itself. These guardians of reality and

a nation's honour spit their denials and hatred

as venomously as their forefathers did, their

undying spirit of sanctimonious rage indulged.

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