Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Between Then and Now

That's us wading through piles of leaves

through the snow, through underbrush to

delight in spring flowers then awed to see

mature trees of great height and antiquity

for these events pursued daily through the

seasons reflect the quality of life for two old

but not decrepit people who in the long-ago

when they were children together shared the

very same adventures and never once did they

encounter a wicked witch nor faced the need

to succumb to scattering a trail of crumbs

to guide their way out of the dim forest with

its overhanging canopy. We ascend long hills 

and gaining height rest briefly before carrying on 

but before we do his arms encircle me to rest 

against him as our two little dogs patiently wait 

for us to forge on in their daily tramp through 

forest trails. Between then and now over the 

course of our years in a tandem of love there 

was everything anyone might ever yearn for to 

share and revel in. Where once all that occupied 

our time and attention was an exercise in efficient 

management we now manage time and life in 

grateful leisure, forever shared and treasured.

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