Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Einsatzkommando 10a/Ek10a

His neighbours doubtless know him as a pleasant

hard-working man who operated a successful

business, raised a family, attended the local

Lutheran church, speculating he gave money

to charity as did they all, a thoroughly decent

man. One who led a sequential-career life he

may or may not have regretted but certainly

was aware of the stigma attached to aiding and

abetting genocide, withholding that detail from

his application for immigration. If living a long

and fruitful life is penance for destroying the

lives of innumerable unfortunates as part of

a Nazi mobile killing unit, Fortune is a warped

assignment in human depravity. One is most

certainly entitled to wonder when he observed

his own children whether he gave a thought

to the thousands of children his service to the 

Final Solution helped annihilate. His career change

led him from a nation intent on obliterating

innocent lives by the millions to another nation

offering countless opportunities to defend

himself from the outcome of the accused in

preventing his return from whence he came.

His right of existence unquestioned despite

the burden of mass murder. The restless dead

seeking justice in their frail memory, denied.

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