Saturday, February 20, 2021

Growing Up in the Ladies Room

Item: 10:00 am sharp, Zoom tutorial

Old, you say? She doesn't think so.

What she brings to her classes

is great knowledge

that inspired her to understand

that in every life a light should shine.

One must but discover that switch

and the light will appear. She

has the experience and the

tenacious will to live; moreover

she lives to learn and in turn

learns to live and thus inspired

brings her joy in life to others for whom

joy expired with age and time and

misfortune but who yet depend

on her for rediscovery of that spark

of light to enliven life giving them

reason to explore their minds

and their options for as full a life as

hers, one among the class so

eagerly devouring the 98-year-old's

sage advice that when she 'grows up'

she plans to be exactly like her mentor

and she has 26 years to fulfill that ambition.



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