Sunday, February 28, 2021

Terrorist Psychopathy

Shamima Begum during her interview with BBC's Middle East correspondent Quentin Sommerville, at al-Hawl refugee camp in north-eastern Syria in February 2019

They were young and audacious teen-age girls 

bored with the predictable ordinariness of life

when across an ocean there lay unpredictability

and excitement where they would be involved

in a bold enterprise inspiring fear and terror

in observers witness to the stark inhumanity

of atrocities committed against those their

target community considered expendable. A

photo showed them conspiratorially, happily

departing to an exotic destination where every day

would constitute a discovery of just how far human

boundaries could be trifled with. Destined as 

'wives' and enablers to stateless terrorists consumed

with the goal of a heaven-sent caliphate who

stormed the unready ramparts of failed nations to

threaten the world with their ravenous appetite for

uttering dire threats and carrying through to abduction

torture and slaughter, raising their young to savour

the power of life and death in gory lessons to form

character and mission. Beyond salvaging these

savage spirits prepared to portray themselves as

hapless victims with the dissolution of the caliphate

and scattering of its murderous stalwarts, plucking

at the heartstrings of gullible humanitarians prepared

to forgive and forget, on the theory that love and

understanding would prevail to remove the dark

brooding evil from the subconscious of their psyches.

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