Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Firefighters work at the scene of a burnt-out home on the Hunter Road near Wentworth, where multiple people are suspected to have been killed by Gabriel Wortman.

Sudden Lunacy Syndrome

A shaken community haunted anew by
tragedy confronts a puzzling conundrum
just exactly what is it that transforms an
ordinary human being into a raving psychopath?
It's a legitimate question begging for an answer
to a mysterious mind-changing element in
humanity that bedevils us from time to time
and this is one of those times. Psychopaths
we know are without conscience and absent
those emotions of compassion and care so
integral to human decency. And here we
deviate for this was a sudden malefactor who
did display compassion not merely posing as
true psychopaths do to screen themselves from
scrutiny. Unless he was, like the coronavirus now
shattering the world order and consuming lives
as its appetite rages globally, asymptomatic.
How account for a raging passion unleashed
through some sinister cerebral malfunction to a
pathway of blind rage sowing terror and death
indiscriminately leaving a community hollowed
out in mourning and the instrument of their
shocked bereavement titled as the demon who
committed the nation's largest mass murder ?

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