Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Nightmare or Reality?

Is this grim time of our lives real or have we 
somehow blundered into the hideous plan of a 
lunatic misanthrope  triumphant in executing
a scheme leading to the most complete of 
dystopian worlds mysteriously able to cast 
a spell over the entire globe to furnish his 
sinister entertainment, casting humankind 
into a vast cauldron of fear over the presence
of a pathogenic virus unknown, threatening 
lives of young and old casting itself into the 
moist, warm confines of humanity to nestle 
within and replicate endlessly sending out its
viral agents without cease in its avid search 
for ever-more-numerous victims vulnerable 
to the stench of its evil presence, as though its 
malevolent course burrowing its presence 
into our unwilling bodies in a horrific invasion
of deliberate terror, ruining lives, causing death 
among the weakest and those never suspected 
of being vulnerable will ever be appeased in
its voracious menace. Will this virulently hateful 
virus never abate? Will humankind ever regain 
its naivette believing itself powerful, able to
handily surmount any threats to its existence?
Might the entire world exist in a phantasmic
state of unadulterated, panicked hallucination?

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