Friday, April 10, 2020


Few in number they were, representing
a large community in a world where
borders have been shut tight, national
production halted, people sternly advised
then ordered to self-isolate at home and
venture out only for absolute necessities
the world turned chaotic with fear and
suspicion in the grip of a deadly pathogen
threatening to decimate entire populations
governments uncertain in response as
the medical community despairs it may
never come to grips with this most imminent
of threats. That small number chose to
venture from their homes in pursuit of
the absolute necessity to breathe fresh air
exercise their limbs, celebrate spring's 
April appearance despite skies as fully
overcast as the dismal future and wind
that exacerbated the cold day for in the
urban forest despite its drab appearance
there is the promise that all will be reborn
the deciduous trees leaf out, vegetation
shoot out of the thawed forest floor and a
medley of spring wildflowers brighten the
landscape. A small boy took a mighty leap
from boulder to boulder over the forest
stream and stood triumphant celebrating
his victory, arms high overhead, hands
clasped in self-congratulation, awaiting
applause from his nearby mother. A young
couple descending a forest trail laugh with
the joy of self-discovcry as a pair of small
dogs garbed in bright hues of blue and red
ascend the trail, elderly companions behind.

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