Saturday, April 4, 2020


Lost and Found

Look! There they are! There, and there
and there. Be still, my heart... Ah, yes
the usual suspects. Furtive? No, triumphant!
It's nature's celebrated conspiracy of spring
renewal, and all her accomplices have
been alerted, from the sun to the spinning
Earth, the wind and the rain. A splendid
group effort of absolutely divine direction.
Winter has taken of late to creeping away
while obstinately refusing to pick up speed
but the inevitable is the inevitable and even
that cranky misery knows it's time is up.
Snow and ice both receding under the sun's
imperious glare, the soothing rain and rising
temperatures. Warming the soil, thawing
the latent vegetation slowly awakening
beginning their green-spear thrusts toward
a warming atmosphere prepared to receive
them as nature nurtures the release clockwork
of another spring bringing food and flowers
alive once again, joy to gardeners' hearts.

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