Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Desolation's Antidote

Like a lover whose nonchalance over
constancy has been revealed through an
injudicious lapse beyond flirtation; like 
a loving spouse whose forgetfulness over 
the emotional symbolism of recalling 
significant anniversaries, the predictable
consequences causing weeping distress
and histrionics of sweeping accusations
have a remedy to restore confidence that
intimate regard and deep devotion remain
intact through the simple and most direct
expedient of surprise and delight. Hence
declarations of undying love accompanied
by gifts work wonders when they are given
more thought than the original indiscretions.
These scenarios are counterparts in the
natural world where sudden catastrophe
lurks occasionally to be revealed by stark
challenges to humanity's resilience and
ability to adapt to the dire threats mounted
historically by deadly pandemics. Drastic
protective devices are enacted as people
tremble in fear and foreboding. Insensitive
nature calls up her emissaries of goodwill
and panic is mitigated by the arrival of
hope as spring enters a bleak world bent
on survival. Behold, a priceless gift from
nature's impenetrable plague-softened heart.

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