Saturday, April 25, 2020

Simply Noting

Is it social alchemy or might it quite
possibly be social anarchy, the situation
that otherwise obedient populations find
themselves in being ordered to self isolate
social distance, remain secluded in their
homes. Sleep at home, eat at home, work
from home, socialize from home, shop
from home. In short become a recluse in
a desperate bid to avoid becoming a corpse.
Or at the very best, inconvenienced by
illness, even made extremely ill by a nasty
virus that has bioscientists and epidemiologists
confused and uncertain themselves. Who to
trust? Evidently not WHO. Whom otherwise
to look to for direction? Depends since a
frightened public is wary of all advice given
that those decision-makers are themselves
left to gamble on suppositions while others
predicate their orders on directly opposite
theories. One thing, however, seems clear.
Under normal conditions the streets that 
without fail are clear of walkers and the roads
that normally are thronged with vehicles
have undergone a reversal. Now, streets are
full of people pushing strollers, teens walking
starry-eyed together, children playing games
riding bicycles, runners, families strolling in
the fresh air, while the roads are absent cars.

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