Queen of the Garden
Its age and timeless beauty demand
due respect and admiration
and when this oriental shrub blooms
it is a sight of surpassing splendour.
Undisciplined, this botanical lover
of life celebrates its sovereign
choice to spill its bounty
wherever its myriad branches
grope the boundless space
allotted it by nature
unconfined by the plans of
a gardener's aspiration
beloved by all free spirits
recognizing the quince's
right to excess in its
resurgent seasonal appetite to
flaunt its sensuously luscious blooms
absent competitors to awe the gaze
of any who behold its unequalled
status as a queen among courtiers.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Nightmare or Reality?
Is this grim time of our lives real or have we
somehow blundered into the hideous plan of a
lunatic misanthrope triumphant in executing
a scheme leading to the most complete of
dystopian worlds mysteriously able to cast
a spell over the entire globe to furnish his
sinister entertainment, casting humankind
into a vast cauldron of fear over the presence
of a pathogenic virus unknown, threatening
lives of young and old casting itself into the
moist, warm confines of humanity to nestle
within and replicate endlessly sending out its
viral agents without cease in its avid search
for ever-more-numerous victims vulnerable
to the stench of its evil presence, as though its
malevolent course burrowing its presence
into our unwilling bodies in a horrific invasion
of deliberate terror, ruining lives, causing death
among the weakest and those never suspected
of being vulnerable will ever be appeased in
its voracious menace. Will this virulently hateful
virus never abate? Will humankind ever regain
its naivette believing itself powerful, able to
handily surmount any threats to its existence?
Might the entire world exist in a phantasmic
state of unadulterated, panicked hallucination?
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Gift of Life
Its roots are ancient, its value inestimable
for its life-sustaining properties yet it is a
humble plant beginning its own existence
as a random seed taking root in a field to take
its nutrients from the soil, drawing minerals
and vitamins, its best friends, the life-giving
sun and the cheerleading rain, and the wind
to disperse its seeds, all dedicated to its success
as ordained by nature when she perfected
the intricacy and interrelatedness of an
ineffable scheme of glorious existence part
and parcel of an inexhaustible vision as
all-encompassing as the universe and as
detailed as the minutiae of an infinitesimally
negligible creation, an animal gifted with the
capacity to use its senses to view and to
analyze, challenging its brain to make choices
to fulfill nature's bestowal of the instinct of
survival, and no other gift of the field has
enabled that success as has that primordial
vegetation that revels in sun, rain and wind
waving the magic wand of its wonderfully
digestible head in triumphantly arable fields.
Monday, April 27, 2020
One World
How strange is humanity. At this time of
universal fear of the global pandemic
laying medical science and populations
low in a panic of survival a new mantra
has arisen 'we are all in this together' in a
world where we have never as a race of
animals of high cerebral function been
together in any sense of the sentiment.
Where great masses of people clinging to
basic survival in endemic privation ruled
by vicious despots for whom power over the
paltry lives of millions uncaring whether
they live or die of disease and malnutrition
embrace a fundamentalist religion invariably
instructing them that life in the hereafter is
guaranteed to those of firm faith, a faith
to heed sacred scriptures debasing that of
others, condemning them to death. Places
where civil infrastructure is as absent as
justice and human rights but poverty enduring.
Ragingly offended by the presence of others
on the globe who live in plenty, demanding
their 'share' of global wealth. A pause in
violent attacks against such enemies while
agitating for humanitarian aid during the crisis
and typically when normal life resumes so too
will the acts of rightful faith in rabid terrorism.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Strange Times
You're familiar with them all from longacquaintance, those with a penchant forenjoying nature regularly tramping throughwoodland trails, a touchstone habit recognizingthe value of our natural surroundings, theurban forest adjacent a metropolis. But theseare not the regulars, their unfamiliar facesregister gloom, they keep their eyes avertedas though should eyes meet the dread viruscould leap the distance to settle into their owneyes when what they sought was a respite fromseclusion in their homes not an encounter withthe dread new coronavirus. Lives have beenimpacted with the necessity of isolation whileother lives have been deleted from the registryof humanity's population base. They are buriedin isolation. While those distancing themselvesfrom others may no longer seek solace giventhem by now-shuttered shopping venues muchless exercise gyms, or public parks nor visitlocal restaurants or enjoy a night out with friends.Instead they must find comfort where they canseeking fresh air and exercise. Their glummisery palpable as they stride through muck-soaked early spring forest trails during a localforest's most unattractive season, no vegetationyet emerging from the forest floor, deciduoustrees unleafed, a colour-monotonous landscapeonly a nature-lover could appreciate knowingwhat comes next. So the grim wanderers averteyes, close ears to cheerful civil greetings andslog on, undistracted from their bleak vision. Pity.
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Simply Noting
Is it social alchemy or might it quitepossibly be social anarchy, the situationthat otherwise obedient populations findthemselves in being ordered to self isolatesocial distance, remain secluded in theirhomes. Sleep at home, eat at home, workfrom home, socialize from home, shopfrom home. In short become a recluse ina desperate bid to avoid becoming a corpse.Or at the very best, inconvenienced byillness, even made extremely ill by a nastyvirus that has bioscientists and epidemiologistsconfused and uncertain themselves. Who totrust? Evidently not WHO. Whom otherwiseto look to for direction? Depends since afrightened public is wary of all advice giventhat those decision-makers are themselvesleft to gamble on suppositions while otherspredicate their orders on directly oppositetheories. One thing, however, seems clear.Under normal conditions the streets thatwithout fail are clear of walkers and the roadsthat normally are thronged with vehicleshave undergone a reversal. Now, streets arefull of people pushing strollers, teens walkingstarry-eyed together, children playing gamesriding bicycles, runners, families strolling inthe fresh air, while the roads are absent cars.
Friday, April 24, 2020
Fair Weather Friends
In our considered opinion nature has
been inexcusably delinquent for the time
has come and where then is spring? Not
to be recognized in sub-zero nights nor
howling winds and ongoing snowfalls
despite the early burden of snowmelt now
a memory. Returning geese and herons
must surely view the cold with disbelief
and robins bereft of worms all suffer the
fate of early returnees from winter sojourns
in clement southern climes. The forest trees
have refused to leaf despite the rise of sap
from their roots and nowhere can be seen
early wildflowers on the saturated and icy
forest floor. But then another opinion
entirely entered this gloomy scenario when
from high above on winter-naked, spring-
ready branches of a forest tree rang out a
paeon of praise despite the cloudy cold
as a pair of cardinals trilled a chorus of
admiration for tardy spring, a veritable
embroidery of a melody from birds who
had been resident throughout the starkly
inhospitable winter months now pealing a
rhapsodic gratefulness for emerging spring.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
In all fairness, in point of fact actually the greatestlikelihood in the answer to your inner-directedquery is that yes, there have been insurmountablebarriers, the very emotional distance erectedbetween yourself and others that have dictatedover the years none may enter the inner sanctumof your privacy. Not that you ever harbouredintention to shut yourself away from othersnor be as gracious and social to others as youexpect civil people to be. Your sense of selfis that of an introvert willing to be sociallycompliant while spurning a more robust andopen invitation to others to feel comfortable inyour presence. You too much value the comfortyou find in your own mind while assessing themindset of others, finding them wanting on allbut rare occasions. So vanishingly rare that oneperson alone ever qualified for the open positionof soulmate and with that presence none othersmight apply even for lesser appointments. Wellthen little wonder is it that you feel a palpablecoolness in a long-familiar voice, someone youonce fantasized would become an intimate, afriend sharing like values. For in fact this womanwho married your son is as remote as you havealways been. She too inherited that gene ofpsychological seclusion, comfortable in her ownchoices one of which is maintaining distancediscretely, courteously but firmly from you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Winter in April
Nature, it seems, has gone off-kilter her
equilibrium somehow disturbed by events
she has herself moved forward and imposed
presumably as punishment for humankind's
presumption. Just as we now look upon
strangers and friends alike with suspicion
fearing that their physical proximity hosts
a dangerous threat to our existence harbouring
a contagion that has brought the world low
spurring us to avoid contact. Just as one country
after another has closed in upon itself in a
frenzy of spontaneous actions in a desperate
effort to tame the beast that threatens human
existence nature too appears to have made
decisions that may be as confusing to her
elemental seasons as our current state of life
not-as-usual has occurred to us in a plague
of illness and death in a kind of new and
terrifying game of Russian roulette sparing
lives here and there, taking them relentlessly
elsewhere. Disrupting her firm seasonal schedule
a befuddled nature calling as usual for winter
to depart has failed her due diligence though
knowing the begrudged departure well and
in her lack of oversight spring has been
unceremoniously and covertly shown the
back door, leaving winter in firm command.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Sudden Lunacy Syndrome
A shaken community haunted anew bytragedy confronts a puzzling conundrumjust exactly what is it that transforms anordinary human being into a raving psychopath?It's a legitimate question begging for an answerto a mysterious mind-changing element inhumanity that bedevils us from time to timeand this is one of those times. Psychopathswe know are without conscience and absentthose emotions of compassion and care sointegral to human decency. And here wedeviate for this was a sudden malefactor whodid display compassion not merely posing astrue psychopaths do to screen themselves fromscrutiny. Unless he was, like the coronavirus nowshattering the world order and consuming livesas its appetite rages globally, asymptomatic.How account for a raging passion unleashedthrough some sinister cerebral malfunction to apathway of blind rage sowing terror and deathindiscriminately leaving a community hollowedout in mourning and the instrument of theirshocked bereavement titled as the demon whocommitted the nation's largest mass murder ?
Monday, April 20, 2020

Three Strikes
Come now, gather 'round as we count theways: homeless, drug-addicted and nowvulnerable to the dread coronavirus. Yourluck in life appears to have run fairly thin.On the good news side there are many finepeople dedicated to seeing that you get onwith life. Not life as most know it of coursebut your life, the life you have somehow orother managed to choose out of a vastmultitude of directions of which you chosethis one. Not that it has been satisfying foryou to daily face the elements that housingwould solve, nor that the occasional highmight compensate for the drearily miserablelows nor the opportunity never directlysought to overdose. Much less that the frailstate of your health identifies you to the virusas a credible destination.And then of coursethere's the boredom factor. Look, I'm not sittingcomfortably here in judgement of you andthe misery life has handed you. Was it a badcrowd you enjoyed that your mother warnedyou against? That enemy of youth, peer pressure?Disappointment with the trajectory of yourlife when you expected much, much more?Well, here you are, there are few crossroadsyou might choose from since you've alreadycompleted all the choices that have led to this.Truly, honestly with feeling, I wish you well.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
The Silence of Snow

Wind spurts fierce thrusts compelling
the snow to drift languidly and
mound into voluptuous landscapes
while evergreen boughs heavy
with snow release great clumps
themselves springing to height.
Lazy clouds of snow drizzle
the landscape. Falling clumps freckling
the grey sky, shifting clouds to
pleasure the insistent sun. Shafts
of light haze through the forest,
firing the snow to silver crystals.
Through the soft and gentle
stillness, the staccato of a hairy,
red-capped woodpecker. Snow
generously comforts a recently-bereaved
copse of elm, maple and poplar,
naked no longer. Trunks grey,
black and brown stippled
gloriously-blinding white.
Desiccated, bright orange bittersweet
fruit cluster along their vines'
chokehold on prickly Hawthorns.
Their haws shy against the
flamboyance of the others.
The creek drifts clear and tinkling
over gathered fall detritus
now heavily banked in snow.
A raven crosses the undecided sky,
its raucous call shredding the silence
swift body a black arrow true to its mark.
Soon, snow-muted silence regains
its imperious reign.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
It's a Dog's Life
A cursory glance identifies them as twins
and they definitely are look-alikes though
brother and sister, litter-mates of a litter
of two though large for their breed and
it's a mystery how a toy sire and dam
mated to produce our little treasures. We
know them as others do not and though
they may be 'cute' they bedevil us by
their unerring propensity to frustrate
though there is no lack of intelligence
to offset the wilfulness. As male and
female they exemplify the very real
variances in the sexes, both physically
socially and gender-behavioured. She is
most decidedly feminine, serene and
confident, assertive and cunning. She is
also designed by nature shorter, plumper
far less sleek than her brother who is taller
muscular and given to displaying male
tendencies of aggression. Between them
she is the leader, he the follower. She will
eat anything, he will spurn what fails to
impress though his appetite is restored
when confronted with sticks and aged dog
leavings. All well and good but what now
I find disturbing is that I discover a direct
parallel between their temperaments as
gender-varied as they are, and those of the
two who care for them, he and I, both like
them having lived together for a dog's age
each of us taking on the appearance of the
other as though the litter that introduced us
to the world was little different than theirs.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Rites of Spring
Only warmth was missing from thismid-April spring day but the sun was inits chariot chasing across the sky warmingthe yet-unclad forest below. Already redblossoms had erupted on Silver Maplesthough the forest floor remained bereft ofthe glory of wildflowers. Suddenly, a smallvery small dog came close to becoming acasualty as a nesting owl not long beforearrived from the boreal forest swooped lowwith deadly accuracy, talons outstretchedbut the dog's companion was having noneof it and back up swept the challenged birdto her nest of owlets. In the stream burstingwith snowmelt dividing the forest anotherannual returnee regally held audience to thefew fish that surfaced. Small, furred wildlifere-awakened from their semi-hibernationface other challenges now with the return ofsharp-shinned hawks prepared to nest andraise their broods as the raptors coast on theupdrafts, whistling their domination of theskies, leaving the ground prey to the owlsthe resident territorial coyotes and red foxes.
Thursday, April 16, 2020

WHO, What Where When, How
A query not by necessity in that order, classbut you are well advised to pay attention.The what remains uncertain beyond it beinga zoonotic leaping from animal to human.Where it emerged is well known but one isnot to place blame on its point of origin lestone give offence to a powerful political regime.When it emerged alerting medical professionalsto the presence of a new, raging threat to globalhealth prompting them to inform their peerstheir voices were stilled under threat. Andbecause we live in an interconnected worldof globalism where social movement and tradetourism and business intersect to profit theworld economy transmission of a little-understoodand often deadly pathogen was achieved. Into thefray stepped the prestigious world body dedicatedto global health declaring the newly-revealedthreat non-communicable from human-to-humanand no reason to commit a racist act by closinginternational borders to China. Now the globalcommunity reels under a contagion refusingcontrol, asserting and reasserting itself. Allthings considered whether the SARS-CoV-19novel coronavirus emerged from a highlysecret experimental biological-threat laboratoryin Wuhan or from a notorious wet market canbe assumed to be irrelevant as the world implodes.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Prognosis of Hope
Strange, as a Christmas Eve
gathering place
but there they are,
grey-haired and frail,
elderly couples, hands
twisted in a unity of
care and devotion
awaiting word on
the welfare of their
beloved pets, aged like
themselves, and in
compromised health,
undergoing surgery
to prolong their lives
at this emergency
veterinary clinic, an
urgency of hope for survival
to retain the comfort
of restoring that
beloved creature to the
heart and hearth of a home
utterly bereft in grief
and abiding sorrow
without its presence.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Desolation's Antidote
Like a lover whose nonchalance over
constancy has been revealed through an
injudicious lapse beyond flirtation; like
a loving spouse whose forgetfulness over
the emotional symbolism of recalling
significant anniversaries, the predictable
consequences causing weeping distress
and histrionics of sweeping accusations
have a remedy to restore confidence that
intimate regard and deep devotion remain
intact through the simple and most direct
expedient of surprise and delight. Hence
declarations of undying love accompanied
by gifts work wonders when they are given
more thought than the original indiscretions.
These scenarios are counterparts in the
natural world where sudden catastrophe
lurks occasionally to be revealed by stark
challenges to humanity's resilience and
ability to adapt to the dire threats mounted
historically by deadly pandemics. Drastic
protective devices are enacted as people
tremble in fear and foreboding. Insensitive
nature calls up her emissaries of goodwill
and panic is mitigated by the arrival of
hope as spring enters a bleak world bent
on survival. Behold, a priceless gift from
nature's impenetrable plague-softened heart.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Back Then
Those were the days my friend -- wethought they'd never end -- we thoughtthey'd last forever, but they failed to.Those were the days of casual choicesto live with a measure of risk felt to bemore than manageable in exchange forthe opportunity to witness the grandeurof nature and test your natural instinctsthe energy and endurance nature endowedyou with while marvelling at the extent ofher creative inventiveness within boldlandscapes of ineffable design. That, then.You made choices that were not universallyshared but matched your fixed ideas ofvalue in life. Now, life's value is challengedthrough another force of nature unchainedas a dominating threat absorbing the mindsof a universal population in morbid dreadof pain, isolation and death. The choiceis clearly defined; retreat from all that hasbeen taken for granted including freedomof movement and above all any inclinationnot to sequester but to gather in perfectaccord with others when to do so is to makeyourself completely vulnerable to the viralmenace stalking the world as we know it.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
And In Spring
A pair of scarlet cardinals sit high on the
bare branches of the red maple in the yard
next door to mine, the male trilling his
devotion to spring. This morning's rain
has filled the birdbath in my backyard and
there on its rim sits a blackbird, time and
again dipping itself in the bath, flicking its
feathers, washing away the rigours of its
long journey in reverse migration. All
around looks much the worse for wearing
winter's mantle far too long. The freed
garden soil hosts last fall's dried detritus
a waste space of grim drabness though
there are faint signs here and there of new
growth emerging from patient perennials
anxious to return from winter's purgatory.
In the forest a pileated woodpecker has
dominated an old pine in a frenzy of mining
the beetle larvae within, its clack-clack
and lunatic cry filtering through the forest
canopy. And there in the depths of the ravine
the first of the returning Mallards settles on
the creek spanning the forest depths, full
speed ahead as it steams, another returnee.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
A courtesy call? How sweetly thoughtful!
How am I? Well, thank you. And how
are you? This, the extent of this new-age
conversation. At a distance, a discreet
and obligatory social and physical divide
beyond which no one should venture as
a matter of dire necessity, lest the vicious
virus that threatens humanity finds the
entrance it voraciously seeks to yet another
human interior where it plays havoc with
the immune system, handily overcomes
the respiratory organs nature thoughtfully
designed to sustain life as much as your
beating heart and blood-flow, initiating
a sinister, rapid descent of morbidity and
yet another life is lost. That nightmare
scenario is lost on no one, and prevention
embraces physical distancing and you cannot
now hug your mother, kiss your grandchild
enjoy meals together, celebrate cardinal
events of great symbolism to hope and
renewal together in the wish that you and
they will somehow manage to survive
this suspenseful ordeal imposed upon an
unready world that misread consequences.
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