Wednesday, July 24, 2019


How very special it is for a social upheaval's 
timely surge into the universal social contract
a kindly tolerance for all that is antithetical
to long-held values and conventional social
acceptance on such a wide range of issues 
it has become downright head-spinning. 
Few deep thoughts involved, since it has 
become a given generosity that whatever 
the concept the belief the ideology however
antagonistic to heritage and culture and 
generalized society, has its rightful place 
and must be not merely tolerated but honoured
requiring all who had formerly shunned those 
expressing opinions and actions felt to be 
degrading to the human spirit themselves be 
shunned and named as bigoted because those 
who have embraced the mantle of tolerance 
find it utterly intolerable that many others 
remain opposed to the political legitimization
of social, religious and ideological chaos 
reconstructing values and esteeming that 
held once to be reprehensible and harmful 
to the general consensus of tradition and social 
harmony. Now it is the once-disadvantaged 
who wag the tail of the newly-obedient dog
a hound that finds it feasible to overlook threats
to public order and security. claiming them
to be misunderstood, a malicious public
declaration of racism to condemn violence 
emanating from sacred piety of holy scriptures 
calling for the skeptics to reform, submit to the 
normalization equivalency of values inimical
to civilized conduct for fear of accusations
of thought-isolation as punishment, setting
aside the simpler fear of rampant terror.

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