Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Thrumming Hive

How much more species-adapted
can they be than with their genetic
imprint for industriousness having
earned the prideful status of world
class steward of the planet's vital
vegetation, a role eliciting gratitude
from lesser-disciplined creatures of
the earth benefiting from the obvious
magnanimity of creatures devoted to
their task, willing to be exploited by
nature who assigned that monumental
task to a species she designed with
especial care and aforethought to act
in concert with one another assigning
specific roles and expectations to be
met. These distinguished workers
outdo themselves in integrity and
industriousness, truly an example to
all others to whom so great a task has
never been entrusted. They haven't
much of a commute between hive and
the seasonal flowers proliferating in
the forest where their communal hive 
is located within the hollow trunk of 
a venerable old pine, pleased to be 
the locus where a wild bee factory
processing pollen into honey thrums.

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