Friday, July 26, 2019

It Is So

What's that? You've always been comfortable 
around gays? Conveyed that to your children?
Naivete is you. This is not a matter of choice
this is a social obligation in view of a 
changed culture and social contract that will 
label you in the starkest terms as biphobic
transphobic whose life values hug tight a 
certain kind of hatred and you will be shunned 
and isolated, slandered on  social media 
serving as an unwholesome example to anyone
else who might imagine they have a right 
to their personal opinion when that newly
righteous crusade to identify and crucify all 
deniers proves otherwise. There are no
halfway measures to accommodation only 
the full measure of happy days acceptance 
will exonerate you as a white, privileged 
straight-gendered occupier of other peoples' 
territory. That territory is the entitled right to
sling harsh penalties at any within society 
so ignorant they cannot see the fluidity of 
gender and the vital necessity of admiring 
and supporting those who declare themselves 
male one day female the next. Take note:
it is imperative to understand that biology is 
not predetermined, that as creatures of nature 
we may should we wish correct nature's 
ill-suited certainties if it is ordained by one's 
wishes that it be so and then of course it is so.

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