Monday, July 29, 2019

Ironies of Nature

Yet another in a series of debilitating
weather days that melt our resolve
to enjoy longed-for summer months
(as a respite for winter excesses in
low temperatures and freezing snow
storms) there is the searing wind as
of the hot breath of a rampaging giant
that assaults our fantasies of a perfect
summer inviting us to indulge in all
the remembered joyfulness of our
younger years when surely such
extremes were rare occurrences.  Yet
if we recall our younger years there
was the terrifying arrival of sound
blasting out of the sky leaving us
cowering under bedclothes, comforting
assurances from parents failing to
assuage our fear. Wait, we're adults
experienced in all the vicissitudes of
inclement weather and now dark
clouds groaning with the weight of
rain gather overhead, daytime turns
to night and we can hear the giants
of our childhood gnashing their teeth
in fury but we're anticipating the rain
to wash away the heat and humidity
and give new life to our precious
gardens. Just another of nature's little
pranks; the thunder carries on elsewhere
daylight returns, the rain forestalled.

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