Thursday, July 18, 2019


In their sublime innocence every child
knows that a dictator is a bad person
caring nothing of the welfare of those
that strain under the misery of a tyrant's
greedy grasp, their lives an endless
litany of deprivation and violence.
That same child can respond with the
alacrity of confidence when asked
what kind of individual it would take
to be an able administrator executing the
duties and obligations of a duly elected
president of a powerful country, reciting
character traits such as integrity, wisdom
fairness and compassion knowing that
those dependent on such skills to set
the stage for self-empowerment of a
civilized and mature population to
enable full employment and social services
ensuring safety, security, education and
health to achieve the dignity of equality
of opportunities to be contingent on that
ballot selection. Yet as the child attains
mature years it will be understood that
theory and reality have a mere passing
acquaintance. Wealth and power and the
stealth of deceit in a common denominator
calling upon the public's deepest emotions
distilled through suspicion and distrust
elevate the uncouth and unlettered whose
exploits in maladministration leave a
population in chaos and divided, the
hallmark signature of human fallibility
in elevating to governance an inept
poseur whose tainted ego assumes the
fractious dysfunction that has arisen 
be interpreted as exuberant success.

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